Schedule a time below with Fr. Philip if you would like to discuss a Molieben or Panikida.
Molieben - A request for God’s assistance in times of illness and need:
A special prayer service, called a molieben in Slavonic, can be said when one is sick or in spiritual or physical need. A list of Orthodox Christian names is provided to the priest to be read during this short service.
Please contact Fr. Philip to book a molieben at 415 823 9927 or use the appointment calendar below added the names in the box provided. You may also make your donation before hand if you so wish using the donate button.
(To arrange a funeral service at Christ the Saviour Church please contact Fr.Philip Halliwell at 415 823 9927)
A panikhida is short memorial service is normally held on the evening before a funeral, the ninth day, the fortieth day and then on the anniversary of the death going forward annually. You can arrange a panikhida by contacting Fr. Philip at 415 823 9927 or by using the form below.
If you would like to have your loved ones commemorated at the next Divine Liturgy (which is the most powerful prayer for them), you can submit their names electronically using donate button.

2040 Anza Street
San Francisco, CA 94118